The Down Dog and Dirty

Ground Your Vrtti
Release overthinking
Service Description
Patanjali defines in the Yoga Sutras, that "yoga is to still the turnings/fluctuations/whirlpools of consciousness. Then pure awareness can abide in its very nature." Vrtti = the turning, fluctuations, whirlpools on the mind Grounding = removing an object's excess charge by transferring electrons between it and another object of substantial size (to prevent injury and fire ;)) Overthinking is taxing and distracting. Free your energy from your mind's hijack of it. In this experiential workshop, learn grounding techniques to drop below your (overthinking) mind, into the present moment. Tools taught in this workshop span the following practices: • Mantra • Breathwork • Acupressure • Meditation, visualization, focus-exercises • Mindfulness-based stress-reduction • Mudra (energy-seals made w/ your hands) Dress for light movement. Leave with a calmer mind, equipped with tools to maintain and return to this ease. Bring: water and a yoga mat (we have spare mats if you forget yours) $50 General Public $15 AYTT graduates Complimentary for current AYTT
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
(339) 222-8508
5021 North 20th Street, Phoenix, AZ, USA